October 2009

The date that we are required to complete the purchase on our house in Portugal is getting ever closer so in an attempt to speed up the whole selling process here in the UK I have bitten the bullet and booked our removals. This is therefore that date I have asked for, for the completion of our sale here. I’m not entirely sure if it will actually make a difference or not, but worth a try. I was becoming so stressed thinking that if I waited too long I would not be able to get a removal company arranged, I wanted to relieve some of that pressure. I have also started the ball rolling on the rental of a property in Portugal, just for a couple of months till we get some of the work done on the house. The property for rent looks ok and is walking distance of the lake (great for the dogs) and a bar (great for us!).

Hubby handed in his notice, again because time is running so short. Good job he did, because he did not have enough time left on his leave allowance, so as it is he will owe them 2 days wages, if he wants to come at the same time! Needless to say, we will just forfeit the money……..and run.

The date we have set is 16th November, which is a Monday. That means we have three weekends left to clear all the rubbish from the house and garden (few runs to the tip required), find new homes for the fish in the pond, see friends and family and finish the packing. I spent most of yesterday going through old paperwork, some of it dating back to 2001. The chimnea in the garden took a bashing as did the shredder. The shredder overheated at one point and I had to give it a rest. There are a number of plants and pots that need relocating to new homes which in its self will take most of a day. I managed to sell some bits of furniture this week so they are being collected this weekend, then I will need to place an advertisement for the next batch. I keep putting off the process of writing to various companies (utilites and the like) but it really does need to be done now.

There is one final piece to the jigsaw for our buyers this week. Apparently their building society want our drains inspected! The first available date for the drain company is next Wednesday, so we are hoping everything is ok and that the exchange will occur shortly after. If it does then hopefully that will mean everything will be on schedule for our selected date.

After this mornings little rant I have decided to get my brain in gear. After a very slow stroll into town and back (didn’t buy anything), and a bit of a whinge to mother my brain has gone back to its old faithful ….what will be will be.

Ok, I cannot deny I would be devastated if we lost our home in Portugal, but do you know what, there is another one out there, but we would maybe have to wait. Yes, I realise we would lose our deposit, but if that happened it would be for a reason. To be honest we have already effectively lost the same again with the drop in the exchange rate since we began all of this.

So, if it all goes horribly wrong and everything ‘falls out of bed’ so to speak, we will just have to start over. Getting stressed is not always easy to avoid but if you can it has to be better, certainly better than this continual pain in my chest!

So there you have it. When the time is right it will happen and in the meantime I just need to get on with my life and not spend so much time with my head in my hands (not literally you understand).

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